Saturday, September 12, 2009

Greg & Marianne : Wedding

What a great way to spend Labor Day Weekend! Over the holiday we were given an amazing opportunity to shoot a wedding on Mackinac Island. If you've ever been there, you know, it's a one-of-a kind place. There are no gas powered vehicles - the only ways to get around the island are by horse drawn carriage, walking, or biking. I highly recommend a trip to the island to anyone of any age - it's a place you won't ever forget.

In addition to enjoying the sights, we also shot our first outdoor wedding which was absolutely gorgeous! The weather was fantastic, and we couldn't have asked for a better set of families to work with.


The ceremony was held in a gazebo next to a large open grass area - lots of people were able to enjoy sights.

Too cute!

Marianne had this cake made specially for Greg. He's a member of the US Navy!

Congratulations Greg & Marianne!!!
We want to wish you the best of luck in your life together, and thanks again for inviting us to spend this special occasion with you at such an amazing place!

2 Comments {Click here}:

Nan Stegmann said...

Mandi and Greg,
These pictures, along with the wonderful people you are, show that we made the absolute right choice in having you take pictures at the wedding. You are not only artistic, creative and talented, but you also get such great shots without being intrusive to the atmosphere of the ceremony. I would recommend you to anyone!!
Thank you both, and I look forward to seeing more!
You are great!!!

Nan Stegmann said...

Mandi and Greg,
These pictures, along with the wonderful people you are, show that we made the absolute right choice in having you take pictures at the wedding. You are not only artistic, creative and talented, but you also get such great shots without being intrusive to the atmosphere of the ceremony. I would recommend you to anyone!!
Thank you both, and I look forward to seeing more!
You are great!!!

September 18, 2009 11:12 AM

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