Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Taninah @ NIGHT! - Creepy-Crawlies and ALL!

I would have to say that nighttime was my favorite time of day during our stay at Taninah. I know you're probably saying "What about the pool?" and "Don't the bugs come out at night?" Well yeah there was no sun for the pool, but that didn't mean we couldn't swim, and as for the bugs - there were lots of them, but they were pretty darn awesome ones! What I loved most about the nighttime was that even though it was dark you still knew everyone was close by - laughter could be heard in the kitchen as we sat around talking, clanking in the game room meant a serious game of foosball, and even the sound of the generator was exciting "Let's hot tub!" or "Cenote anyone!?" At night, all the buildings and trees were dramatically lit - creating a completely different feel from the daytime. It was an absolutely wonderful place!

Here's a quick video clip of just a few more nighttime creatures we came across.

Our Trip Total =
3 Scorpions
3 Tarantulas
a bunch of cockroaches
(mostly in the composting toilets, but they occasionally found their way into the bathrooms)
and thousands upon thousands of ants
(found them under first aid kits, almost barricading a doorway, and even falling from ceilings!)

Of course there were many more spiders and other insects, but these were obviously the most impressive :)

1 Comments {Click here}:

mom said...

LOVE the night pictures!! You're making me So Mexico-sick! What a fun place and time.

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